Sky Lee, MSW, RSW
Mental health counsellor specializing in anxiety, depression, and family and caregiver support services.
Registered Social Worker (RSW #11046)
Masters of Social Work (MSW), University of British Columbia
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW), University of British Columbia
Managing stress and anxiety can make it hard to find your bearings.
Sky's specialty is providing resources, therapy, and support services to individuals and families looking after loved ones, both short-term and ongoing.
Sky has been providing intensive family and caregiver support services in Vancouver since 2008.
In addition to treating anxiety, stress, and depression, Sky has become an essential source of support for busy individuals and families dealing with complex life changes.
If you are a busy professional or parent...
Struggling with depression or anxiety
Experiencing burnout
Coping with a family member's addiction or severe illness (mental or physical)
Providing care for elderly parents
Dealing with sudden healthcare crises
Feeling shaken and unsettled after caregiving has ended
...Sky can provide the resources, therapy, and support services you're looking for.
Together with you, Sky will create a personalized plan that aligns with your specific needs and individual circumstances.
Book a 15-minute complimentary consultation with Sky today.
Sky will equip you with the mental and emotional tools + knowledge…
…so you feel empowered and supported during difficult and overwhelming times.
Learn more about Sky
Caregiver Support
Elderly Persons Disorders
Family Support Services
Life Transitions
Personal / Professional Burnout
Stress / Anxiety
Support for Caregivers of Loved Ones with Persistent and Severe Mental Illness
Acute/Chronic Illness
Aging Parents/Frail Elderly
Bipolar Disorder
Cancer and Post-Cancer Care
Caregiver Support
Case Management
Chronic Depression
Chronic Pain
Cognitive Decline
Considering public or private care options
Coping Skills
Elder Abuse
Elderly Persons Disorders
Family Support Services
Life Transitions
Medication Management
Personal / Professional Burnout
Relationship Issues
Senior Housing/Facility Placements
Support for Caregivers of Loved Ones with Persistent and Severe Mental Illness
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
Communication Skills Training
Cross Cultural Therapy
Family Systems
Relational and Trauma-informed
Family Support Services
Individual Therapy
Virtual Appointments
San’yas: Indigenous Cultural Safety Training for Mental Health Workers
Polyvagal Training
Acceptance and Committment Therapy Training (ACT)
Provincial Designated Responder to Adult Abuse and Neglect
Speaker: BC Parkinson's Association
Masters of Social Work (MSW), University of British Columbia
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW), University of British Columbia
Professional Memberships
B.C. College of Social Workers
B.C. Association of Social Workers
Please inquire directly with your insurance company regarding your options for coverage.

Sky’s role as a wife and mother to three children brings a sense of grounding and empathy to her work.
Sky will help you with…
Navigating the Healthcare System
So you can make well-informed decisions within a complex system.
Mental Health Education
Understanding your loved one's mental state helps manage emotions, reactions, and expectations.
Improved communication and boundaries can ease common stressors like burnout, guilt, and anxiety.
A safe space for short-term and ongoing mental health needs.
Whether you're an overwhelmed professional suffering from depression, a parent struggling to connect with your family, or a caregiver feeling depleted and burnt out, know that you don't have to carry these burdens alone.
Sky understands all individuals and families are complex and creates a welcoming and safe space for you to find your bearings.
Book a complimentary consultation with Sky
Our Services
We offer both in-person and virtual appointments
Individual Therapy
Couples Counselling and Relationship Therapy
Caregiver Support, Parenting, Clinical Supervision & More